August 23, 2021
Branson Regional Arts Council
The Branson Regional Arts Council is holding open auditions this Thursday and Saturday for an award-winning musical based on the Stephen King novel Carrie. This will be an add-on Halloween themed production to be presented in late-October 2021.
Carrie White is a teenage outcast who longs to fit in. At school, she’s bullied by the popular crowd, and virtually invisible to everyone else. At home, she’s dominated by her loving but cruelly controlling mother. What none of them know is that Carrie’s just discovered she’s got a special power, and if pushed too far, she’s not afraid to use it.
Set in the present in the small New England town of Chamberlain, Maine, Carrie: The Musical features a book by Lawrence D. Cohen (screenwriter of the classic film), music by Academy Award winner Michael Gore (Fame, Terms of Endearment), and lyrics by Academy Award winner Dean Pitchford (Fame, Footloose). The BRAC production is directed by Jacob Deck.
This audition is for performers, ages 18-25+.
- Thursday, August 26, 6PM
- Saturday, August 28, 2PM & 6PM
Auditions & Performances at the Historic Owen Theatre, 205 S. Commercial St., Branson, MO 65616
- October 21-23, 7PM
- October 28-30, 7PM
- October 30, 11PM (late night halloween show)
Prepare a cut of a song no longer than a minute, in the style of the show, or from the show if auditioning for a specific role.
All Roles Open: Males & Females to play 16-65
ETHNICITY: All Ethnicities
CARRIE WHITE (Lead): Female, should read 17 onstage
Painfully shy outsider who, in spite of her best efforts to belong, has been a victim of her
classmates’ cruel jokes since childhood, as well as her mother’s strict, biblically ordained control at home; transforms from ugly duckling into graceful, and then vengeful, swan; vocally, she must be capable of lyrical sweetness as well as fierce power. Mezzo-Soprano.
MARGARET WHITE (Lead): Female to play 35-50
Woman of visceral extremes; balances her fervent religious convictions with equally sincere true-believer spirituality and tender, maternal love for Carrie; in the end, she proves to be a religious extremist; like Carrie, with whom she shares several duets, her voice must range from expressive and melodic to ferocious and frightening. Soprano.
SUE SNELL (Lead) Female, to play 17-18
A popular over achieving student. Her unthinking participation in a cruel act of bullying causes a crisis of conscience that leads her on a complicated emotional and psychological journey to make amends. Smart with just a touch of shrewd edge. The play is told through her memory. Vocally, she has a pop ballad voice that delivers sincerity and strength. Mezzo-Soprano.
TOMMY ROSS Male, to play 17-18
Handsome, popular star athlete, and all around standout. Yet he also has unexpected, quirky sensitivity and is just starting to mine his personal life and feelings – a budding poet. Effortless pop tenor.
CHRIS HARGENSEN Female, to play 17-18
Rich, spoiled, and dangerous. Serious daddy and anger management issues. Her voice is pop/rock percussive: rangy and powerful. Must be an equally strong dancer. Implied sexual content. Mezzo-Soprano.
A dangerous, trashy, stupid-like-a-fox bad boy beholden to Chris’s bidding. His voice is that of a wailing rocker. Implied sexual content. Baritone.
MISS GARDNER Female, to play mid-30’s
The girls’ no nonsense P.E. teacher. A tough disciplinarian, Carrie also arouses within her a surprising instinct to protect. Warm and powerful pop belt.
MR. STEPHENS / REV. BLISS Male, to play 30’s – 40’s
A still sexy English teacher and guidance counsellor not quite connected to the world of his students. Doubles as Reverend Bliss, the voice of a radio evangelist.
NORMA Female, to play to play 17-18
A gossip with an artistic hipster edge. Norma is second-in-command to Chris’ queen bee.
FRIEDA Female, to play 17-18
Sue’s sometime friend. A drama dork, she’s an easy going, get-along follower and a tireless extracurricular committee volunteer.
HELEN Female, to play 17-18
A leggy cheerleader. Giggly and easily shocked, her immaturity and need to belong make her the perfect example of the herd mentality.
GEORGE Male, to play 17-18
A jock. Preppy. Somewhat unsure. Tommy’s wingman since childhood.
STOKES Male, to play 17-18
A bit of a nerd, he’s happy to be sometimes included as one of Tommy’s posse.
FREDDY Male, to play 17-18
The wise-cracking class clown and official yearbook photographer, he can’t believe any girl would ever give him the time of day.
The Branson Regional Arts Council was founded in 1965 as the “Taney Arts Council,” and officially established 501 (c)(3) non-profit status as “Branson Arts Council, Inc.” in 1993.
Our mission is “to create exceptional artistic, cultural and educational opportunities for our community.”
Financial support is provided by BRAC members, theatre patrons, private donors, as well as additional grant support from the Missouri Arts Council and other organizations.
BRAC, PO Box 2004, Branson, MO 65615