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Unarmed Stage Combat Workshop

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Event: Unarmed Stage Combat Workshop
Venue: Historic Owen Theatre
Day & Time: Thursday Sept. 19, 2024 - 7pm-9pm

Sept. 19, 2024 - Unarmed Stage Combat Workshop
Teacher - Josh Boulden (for ages 16 and up)

  • 7-9pm - Historic Owen Theatre
  • $30 per student
  • Limited to 10 students

Unarmed Stage Combat
From throwing fist a cuffs, to taking a tumble an actor needs to know how to tell a compelling story during a fight on stage and keep themselves and everyone else safe. This beginner workshop will introduce you to the world of simulated violence for the stage with a focus on safety, partner work, building trust, and biomechanics, while learning some introductory fight moves and choreography.

Josh Boulden is a professional actor, acting coach, and fight choreographer from Annapolis, MD. He trained at the Shakespeare Theatre Company’s Academy at The George Washington University in Washington D.C. where he studied stage combat under the direction of Fight Master, Robb Hunter with the Society of American Fight Directors. Josh has over 20 years of experience with stage combat, historical swordsmanship, and fencing. Starting at a young age with the Calvert Arundel Historical Swordsman Josh has spent the last 12 years training with the Society of American Fight Directors (SAFD). As an SAFD member and certified Actor Combatant he has since directed and choreographed fights for various film and theatrical productions in the southern MO area, and currently performs with Sight & Sound Theatres in Branson.

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